Eaton Current Limiting Circuit Breaker Module

Eaton Current Limiting Circuit Breaker
Molded Case Circuit Breaker Over

Current Limiting Circuit Breaker Module

Product Overview

Power demand continues to grow in new and existing facilities. To meet increased demand, larger utility supplies, spot networks and large facility transformers are installed. The increased capacity of the electrical source results in increasedfault currents in excess of 100 kA short-circuit protection. Eaton manufactures non-fused current limiting modules with interrupting capacities up to 200 kA at 600 Vac. Unlike fused current limiters with a one-time use, a current limiter module provides an automatic reset of the module after a short-circuit event. Resetting the moldedcase circuit breaker is the only action required to restore critical power to the system; there is no time wasted with sourcing the correct replacement fuses or module to bring the system back online.

Product Description

The current limiting breaker modules use a unique contact design to enhance the system protection similar to that of the circuit breaker. When high short-circuit current is flowing through the contacts of these modules, the design results in very high interrupting capacities and improved current limiting characteristics.

Application Description

High-performance breakers are most commonly applied when very high fault levels are available and with applications where the current limiting capability is used upstream of the final load to limit current. Typical loads include lighting, power distribution, and motor control applications.

Features and Benefits

Superior system protection:

  • Auto reset improves system uptime and eliminates the need for finding replacement parts
  • No fuses to replace, reducing the overall cost of ownership and the waste created by fuses
  • Overloads, by using inverse time current tripping characteristics of the molded-case circuit breaker
  • Low-level short circuits, by using instantaneous and/or short-time delay tripping characteristics of the molded-case circuit breaker
  • High-level short circuits, by using ultra-high-speed, blow-apart contacts of the current limiting module in series with the circuit breaker contacts
  • Let-through currents, by improved opening speed of the contacts, the resultant rapid rise of arc voltage introduces impedance into the system

Standards and Certifications

  • UL 489
  • CSA C22.2

FD IC Rating—200 kAIC at 600 Vac(1)

Breaker with Line Side
Mounted Current Limiter(2)
Breaker with Load Side
Mounted Current Limiter(3)
40 FDC3040Q01 FDC3040Q02
45 FDC3045Q01 FDC3045Q02
50 FDC3050Q01 FDC3050Q02
60 FDC3060Q01 FDC3060Q02
70 FDC3070Q01 FDC3070Q02
80 FDC3080Q01 FDC3080Q02
90 FDC3090Q01 FDC3090Q02
100 FDC3100Q01 FDC3100Q02
110 FDC3110Q01 FDC3110Q02
125 FDC3125Q01 FDC3125Q02
150 FDC3150Q01 FDC3150Q02
175 FDC3175Q01 FDC3175Q02
200 FDC3200Q01 FDC3200Q02

(1) Line and load terminal included.
(2) Two interphase barriers provided, mounted on line end of limiter, catalog number FJ1PBK.
(3) Four interphase barriers provided, (2) line end of breaker, (2) load end of limiter.

Limiter Terminals

Breaker Amperes
Body Material
Wire Type Metric Wire
Range mm2
AWG Wire Range/
Number of Conductors
Part Number
Standard Pressure Type Terminals
250 Aluminum Cu/Al 10–185 #8–350 (1) TA250FJ(1)

Breaker Load Terminals (For Line Mounted Limiters Only)

Breaker Amperes
Body Material
Wire Type AWG Wire
Metric Wire
Range mm2
Package of
Three Terminals
Standard Pressure Type Terminals
100 Steel Cu/Al 14–1/0 2.5–50 3T100FB
225 Aluminum Cu/Al 4–4/0 25–95 3TA225FD

(1) Load side breaker terminations included for units configured with line mounted limiters.

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