
Eaton/Moeller M22-PVTL
Emergency Stop Operator

With arrows indicating turn direction.

Color Lighted Action
Red Yes Turn  to Release

M22-PVTL Installation Instructions

RMQ TITAN, M22-..., M22S-...
04/07 AWA 1160-1745
Created: 7/2/04
Modified: 4/25/07
[1,1 MB]

M22-PVTL Dimensions

Emergency Stop Button Dimensions

Emergency Stop Button Dimensions

Emergency Stop Button Dimensions

All 22mm Buttons and Indicators fit in a standard 7/8" hole which is also a 1/2" conduit punch.

22mm=(.866")  7/8"=(.875")

Inch to MM Conversion

Convert to MM

MM to Inch Conversion

Convert to Inches

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