
Moeller ZM-1.6-PKZ2
Motor Protector Trip Block

UL/CSA max. 3 phase HP rating at: Adjustable thermal range (set to motor FLC) Setting range of adjustable magnetic trips
Hp@230 Hp@460 Thermal Amps Magnetic Amps

In this range, select the devices in accordance with the motor FLC

3/4 1 - 1.6 14 - 22

ZM-1.6-PKZ2 Trip Module

Standard trip modules ZM-xx-PKZ2 are inserted on the load side of the motor protector disconnect handle. In case of overload or short circuit, the trip module will cause the motor protector switch mechanism to open and disconnect power to the load.

• Adjustable thermal and magnetic trips set in accordance with the motor FLC.
• Tamper-proof lids that cover thermal and magnetic settings when the device is on.
• Ambient compensation.
• Phase failure sensitivity.
• Coding accessory to insure insertion of correct module for the motor rating


ZM-1.6-PKZ2 Circuit Diagram

ZM-1.6-PKZ2 Circuit Diagram

ZM-1.6-PKZ2 Dimensions

ZM-1.6-PKZ2 Dimensions

ZM-1.6-PKZ2 Dimensions

Inch to MM Conversion

Convert to MM

MM to Inch Conversion

Convert to Inches

PKZ2 Summary PKZ2 Accessories

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