
Moeller NZMH4-VE..S1
Circuit Breaker Index

Electronic release 3-Pole

Systems and cable protection, selectivity and generator protection
Adjustable overload releases

Terminals Standard, terminal screws as accessories

  Rated current = rated
uninterrupted current
In = Iu
Setting range
Overload releases
Short-circuit releases
NZMH4-VE1630-S1 630 315 - 630 1260 -7560
NZMH4-VE1800-S1 800 400 - 800 1600 - 9600
NZMH4-VE1000-S1  1000 500 - 1000 2000 - 12000
NZMH4-VE1250-S1 1250 630 - 1250 2500 - 15000
NZMH4-VE1600-S1 1600 800 - 1600 3200 - 19200

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